About Macra Agricultural Skillnet

Welcome to Macra Agricultural Skillnet
Macra Agricultural Skillnet, established by our contracting organisation, Macra na Feirme in 2015 is one of the major networks serving our members, those involved in farming and a wide range of agri businesses. Our purpose is to drive upskilling and sustainability on all levels in the industry. We achieve this by developing and delivering a wide ranging programme of subsidised training events, further education and development opportunities. Macra Agricultural Skillnet significantly contributes to the work of Macra na Feirme through joint delivery across a range of programmes. The Network supports our Macra na Feirme clubs and regions, our Young Famer Development Groups and discussion groups in delivering and part funding local training needs which include workshops, information sessions and technical seminars.
We work with private companies to deliver education and training opportunities to as many enterprises in the industry as possible. Among the partnerships we have established over the last number of years are those with the Irish Farmers Journal, Teagasc, ASA, UCD, Irish Grain and Feed Association, UCC and Farm Business Skillnet, where we delivered high impact education and training programmes. If you are a Macra County or Region interested in running a training event read our guidelines, which can be downloaded here.
Macra Agricultural Skillnet can deliver many courses on request and we welcome contact from our members, member companies and the wider agri sector. Please see our brochure for a sample of some of the training courses and events we offer our booking page to see the current offering. If the course you are interested in is not listed, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are interested in
constantly updating our offering and developing and / or delivering new courses and training events.
Our Network is guided by a Steering Group, comprised of 10 people from farming, farm organisations, industry, research and training. It is overseen by the board of our contracting organisation Macra na Feirme.
Macra Agricultural Skillnet supports those in employment within the industry. If you are currently not in employment and wish to upskill or reskill, you may be interested in training offered by other Skillnet Networks through Skills Connect. Further details of Skills Connect and the eligibility criteria can be found on the Skillnet Ireland website by clicking here.
Skillnet Ireland is a national agency dedicated to the promotion and facilitation of workforce learning in Ireland.